Environmental and Social Responsibility

Since its inception Athena Social Work Services has maintained strong environmental and social credentials.

Environmental Responsibility

In 2015 we gained accreditation as a carbon neutral company. Something we have retained each year since then. In 2020 we have made the commitment to not only being a carbon neutral company but to taking the next step to being a carbon negative company. This means for every kilogram of carbon the company is responsible for emitting into the atmosphere we will invest in accredited carbon reduction schemes to remove 2 kilograms.

Social Responsibility

Since inception Athena has supported a number of charities in the UK and abroad. These have included;

  • Pituitary Foundation by sponsoring a charity fashion show.
  • Sea Cadets offshore training arm based in Essex.
  • The Oxfam Syrian Refugee Appeal.
  • St Helena Hospice, Colchester, Essex.
  • Micro Loan Foundation providing loans to women in Sub Sahara Africa to set up business.
  • Women’s Refuge movement in the UK.

Athena can also provide free social work related advice and support to not for profit organisations. For more information contact us.

Social Justice

Currently we support a number of charities in the UK and abroad both financially and with our knowledge and experience.

Syria Crisis

OXFAM - Syria Crisis

Six years of brutal fighting have devastated Syria, a country that was a thriving, middle-income country before the start of the conflict in 2011.

More than 300,000 people have been killed, 11 million people have had to flee their homes and millions more are desperately in need of help.

Pituitary Foundation

Pituitary Foundation

In April 2014 Athena SWS Ltd was proud to support a very successful charity fashion show in aid of the Pituitary Foundation.

Environmental Responsibility

Carbon Neutral

"Athena carries out assessments and reviews in people’s homes which mean our workers travel large distances over the course of a year by car. To combat our CO2 emissions we offset our carbon footprint by investing in carbon reduction projects around the world. Athena is now an accredited carbon neutral company.

Micro Loan Foundation

Micro Loan Foundation

Athena provides funding via the MicroLoan Foundation which helps some of the poorest women in the world feed their families, send their children to school and pay for life saving medicines. Micro Loans Foundation provides small loans (Average £60) and ongoing business training and support, Micro Loans empower women in rural Malawi and Zambia to set up self-sustainable businesses. The profits from these businesses enable the women to work themselves and their families out of poverty.

Carbon Footprint Charity in Ghana

Carbon Footprint

Athena from inception has been an accredited carbon neutral company which offsets the carbon it creates through its activities by funding carbon reduction schemes around the world. This has included funding fuel-efficient charcoal stoves across Ghana, leading to:

  • Improvements of air quality for families.
  • Reduction in fuel poverty as the improved stoves reduce fuel costs by 33%.
  • Biodiversity will be improved through the reduced pressure on remaining forest reserves
  • Rising employment through local manufacturing and retailing of the stoves